Social-Emotional Learning: What It Is and Why It Matters

Descripción del Evento: 

Abstract: The conference addressed Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and how it can be applied to the classroom via textbooks, online activities and group and team building. Case studies show that social and emotional development can push students’ learning to its maximum potential by working on five key classroom strategies to promote and reinforce positive social and emotional development. 

About the speaker: Christopher Bauer is a free-lance consultant and teacher trainer who studied Business Administration at Our Lady of the Lake University and EFL at the ITESM. He is founder of Quality Teaching Language Advisors, providing English courses to develop ELT programs. He is an ACT/SAT test prep instructor in the United States and has been a guest speaker at TESOL, ANUPI and other EFL/ELT conventions throughout Mexico, Central and South America.

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2017-03-30 00:00:00